In accordance with art. 13 of Regulation EU 2016/679 (hereinafter the “Regulation”), OEMME S.p.A.,
the Data Controller, informs you that your data will be processed for the purposes and using the methods
explained below.
Nature of Personal Data
Processing will involve personal data and will be limited to the data strictly pertinent and functional to the
collection purposes.
Purpose of Data Processing
Data will be processed to allow the Data Controller to carry out maintenance and/or assistance
interventions on the machine as requested by the data subject.
Lawfulness of Processing
The legal basis of the processing is the contract.
Data Provision and the Consequences of Refusing Consent
Data provision is optional. Refusal to provide the data will result in the Data Controller’s inability to offer
the assistance requested.
Data Processing Methods
Data processing may pertain to all operations mentioned in article 4 n. 2), of the Regulation. In any case,
processing will be based on the principles of fairness, lawfulness, purpose, quality, pertinence, data
minimization and transparency.
Personal data will be processed in automated or paper format only for the period of time strictly necessary
to fulfil the purposes for which they were collected.
Data will be stored in electronic databases.
Processing will be carried out directly by the Data Controller’s organization.
Data may be communicated to third parties, such as machine distributors and/or dealers, as well as
agencies with which the Data Controller has established a technical or commercial collaboration.
In any case, data will be processed applying logics strictly connected with the purposes mentioned and
using methods that guarantee their security and privacy, adopting adequate measures to prevent the
alteration, deletion, destruction, unauthorised access and unlawful or illegitimate treatment of the data.
Data Subject Rights
You may, at any time, exercise the right to:
a) access your personal data;
b) rectify or cancel your data or limit the purposes for which the data can be processed;
c) object to the processing;
d) data portability;
e) revoke your consent – this will not affect the data processing carried out prior to the consent being
f) complain to the supervisory authority (Data Protection Authority).
All the above-mentioned rights can be exercised by sending a request via email to the following address:
Duration of Processing and Retention
Personal data voluntarily provided by the data subject will be processed by the Data Controller for the
entire duration of the assistance service and retained for a period of ten years from the date of the last
intervention, unless a longer period is required by the law or to exercise the Data Controller’s right of
defence in court.
Data Controller
The Data Controller is OEMME S.p.A., with registered office in Via F. L. Ferrari, 23, 44122 Ferrara, Italy,